Monday, 15 September 2014

Informatica’s Siperian and Netezza UK acquisitions pay off

During the third quarter, Siperian was able to report that the firm had been able to enter into fifteen new industries (including the health sector, the IT sector, the Finance sector and the Insurance sector). This is great for a period of only three months, especially since the firm has never been able to do so before this period. It has also closed nearly eight new opportunities for sales with new customers.  

Some of Siperian’s reputable customers include the world’s largest non-fiction publishers and distributors, the world’s most effective waste management company and the world’s largest pharmaceutical company that runs on biometrical research alone. All these new (and some old) customers have shown immense respect and appreciation for Siperian and they say that they are completely satisfied with Siperian’s performance. They have also particularly mentioned that they completely love Siperian’s new Hub universe.
Siperian runners have specified that they believe that their success formula is ensuring their customers’ success.

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Siperian UK manages to raise nine million

Informatica MDM is one of the leading data management firms in the entire world and there are many amazing data management software that form a part of the Informatica empire. A large part of this empire is Informtica highly successful Netezza software that is a huge part of Informatica’s yearly profit. However, apart from Netezza, there are many other Informatica software that are highly popular. An example is the Siperian data management software. That firm, alone, has been able to raise a whopping amount of nine million dollar as quarterly revenue – a huge amount considering Informatica’s total income.

In a recent press conference that took place at Siperian’s headquarters, the award-winning developers and managers, who have worked hard day and night to ensure the software company’s success, have admitted that the third quarterly report for the firm has been exceptionally well. The firm has effectively raised over nine million dollars as revenue for Informatica MDM. According to reports and the Press Release given to the media by the firm’s PR team, this has been amongst the strongest quarters recorded in the history of the firm – definitely a great feat to achieve. The managers are hoping that this run continues in the future too.

Quarter three saw Siperian expanding to a larger number of audiences with a wide variety of new customers being added on to the Informatica universe. There were a number of new customers added from North America and from EMEA as well. There were many new vertical integration that happened for the customers with Siperian’s help. Moreover, the introduction of Siperian’s HubTM has been especially groundbreaking for the company. Due to the introduction of the new software, Siperian’s customers have gained some major increase in Return on Investment. Based on the Siperian Hub universe, the company has continued to form better relationships with its customers and has, resultantly, branching out to create newer technologies that continue to help the many different firms they sell to.